Rasa X Data Import

Options for importing Rasa Training Data & Config

Posted by Greg Stephens on October 15, 2019 · 5 mins read

This post is out of date. The best way to sync your Rasa config and training data with Rasa X is the new Integrated Version Control to a git repo.

Rasa X Data Import

I’ve been testing the Rasa X 0.20.3 docker server setup and want to confirm what I’ve found about importing existing training and config data into Rasa X.

The tables below, summarize how you can import or reference your data.

Rasa UI - refers to the ability to copy and paste your data via the UI
Docker Volume - means you can reference your files/directories via a docker volume mount
HTTP API - means you can import your data via the Rasa X API
rasacli - means you can import it via the rasacli command line tool

NLU Training Data

Method Comments
Rasa X UI Allows you to import a single training file. Cannot import multiple files (could merge them and then upload).
Docker Volume Cannot mount a local directory with existing training data.
HTTP API Allows import of training data in Markdown
rasacli Command line tool allows import of muliple files using the updtraining option


Same as NLU training data. rasacli has the addstories option for this.

Response Templates

Method Comments
Rasa X UI Response templates in markdown format can be pasted into the Domain page
Docker Volume Cannot mount a local directory with existing domain.yml
HTTP API Allows import of response templates
rasacli Command line tool allows import of response templates using the updtemplates option

Forms, Entities & Slots

The domain.yml contains the list of actions. This is separate from the list of templates and the user should only list utterances that are used in stories in this section. Rasa X will warn you if you list actions that are not used in a story (see forum discusssion here).

Method Comments
Rasa X UI Actions in markdown format can be pasted into the Domain page
Docker Volume As with response template, you cannot mount an existing domain.yml to pickup the actions.
HTTP API Allows import of actions
rasacli Command line tool allows import using the upddomain option

Actions List

The domain.yml contains the list of actions. This is separate from the list of templates and the user should only list utterances that are used in stories in this section. Rasa X will warn you if you list actions that are not used in a story (see forum discusssion here).

Method Comments
Rasa X UI Actions in markdown format can be pasted into the Domain page
Docker Volume As with response template, you cannot mount an existing domain.yml to pickup the actions.
HTTP API Allows import of actions
rasacli Command line tool allows import using the upddomain option

NLU Configuration

Method Comments
Rasa X UI yml file can be pasted into UI at Training > Configuration
Docker Volume Cannot mount local config.yml
HTTP API No CRUD calls available
rasacli n/a

Core Configuration

Is it true that you can paste the core config into the UI?

Method Comments
Rasa X UI yml file can be pasted into UI at Training > Configuration
Docker Volume Cannot mount local config.yml
HTTP API No CRUD calls available
rasacli n/a

credentials.yml & endpoints.yml

Method Comments
Rasa X UI Not configurable via UI
Docker Volume Existing yml files are mounted as local volumes
HTTP API No CRUD calls available
rasacli n/a


Method Comments
Rasa X UI Not configurable via UI
Docker Volume Models are mounted as local volumes in ./models directory
HTTP API CRUD calls available
rasacli n/a