Google Reader Alternatives Sheet

Posted by {"display_name"=>"greg", "login"=>"greg", "email"=>"", "url"=>""} on April 08, 2013 · 1 min read

Here are some updates on Google Reader alternatives, a comparison sheet and some twitter feeds and links to additional posts.

I've created an Google spreadsheet comparing RSS aggregator alternatives that have the potential of being used with multiple clients. I'm not intending to post alternatives that are client only options or services that are closed to 3rd party client reader apps.

This post by Fabian Scherschel pointed me at a couple of alternatives that I was not aware of. Tiny Tiny RSS and selfos both provide open source, self hosted alternatives.

Tiny Tiny RSS already has a json API. and there's some discussion of a Google Reader compatible API on the selfos forum.

Twitter Feeds

Here are some twitter feeds associated with these RSS aggregators:


And for the clients I'm currently tracking

@Reeder - Reeder for iOS and Mac
@25Squares - The Press reader for android